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How to Write your Messaging

Messaging Types

Each field on your message types should consistently include messaging of a single type. There are primarily three types of “messaging” that you may want to include in your messaging hub fields:

  • Messaging Copy – These are the messages that you want to have consistently used across your marketing content and outward facing scripts.
  • Positioning – This is informative text about how you want your internal audiences to position your company and products.
  • Metadata – This is the other information that is helpful for internal audiences to describe your messages. For example, Persona descriptions.

Messaging Copy

The most efficient way to write your messaging in GrokSpark is to start with your product, then your audiences, and then all the rest. This approach will enable you to take advantage of the automation in the tool to relate messages from your audiences to the various aspects of your product messaging. This will allow you to tell the full story to each of your target audiences. See more about how to set up your messaging in GrokSpark for the first time.

Product Message Types

When writing messaging copy for the various product message types like products and features, focus on what the product actually does as opposed to anything specific to who it is for. Providing clear, concise descriptions will be helpful in communicating the product proof to your target audiences when they get to that point in the buyers’ journey. It also helps you leverage the same messaging across multiple audiences so you can improve consistency and reduce complexity.

For example, a feature Description (140) should be a brief description about what the feature does. It will likely be used in numerous places like web pages, datasheets, etc., so it should be as specific as you can get for the character limit while being generic for all target audiences. The GrokSpark Revision History feature is described as follows:

“Tracks all changes made to messages (draft and published) with what changed, who changed it, and when. Old versions can be restored.”

Audience Message Types

When writing messaging copy for message types like Benefits, Challenges , Use Cases and Industries, you’ll want to think specifically about what the target audience wants to hear.

For example, a benefit Description (140) should be written for the intended target audience. Our Respond to Requests in Seconds benefit is really for PMMs, so we describe what the PMM will get:

“Give your teams the power to quickly generate filtered docs with the exact targeted messaging they need for the task at hand.”

If the same benefit applies to multiple audiences (personas, industries etc.), that’s fine, but if the benefit each audience gets is different, then write a separate benefit message for each audience.

Notes on Other Message Types

Below are a few notes for some of the other message types for which you may be writing copy:

  • Industries – Often most (if not all) of the Industries message fields will be positioning or metadata, but in some cases you may want to have messaging copy for an industry description or context that you would like to communicate directly to your external audiences. Just be mindful of which is which.
  • Value – This message type is generally not specific to a persona as it is the value the organization gets. (The benefits are the thing that is usually specific to the persona.) In most cases, value that accrues to the organization includes things like “ROI” or “increased revenue” which several audiences will care about. Therefore it usually makes sense to write these generically.
  • Custom Message Types – Just think about what type of messaging you want to include in each field and be consistent.

Remember, not all fields on these message types will be for messaging copy. In fact, some of them might not have any messaging copy at all. Persona information, for example, is often just metadata that describes the people you are targeting…not something you would typically want to give to a prospect or customer.


The fields you have on messages that are for positioning should all be written for your internal audiences. Commentary on how you want to position your offers within each industry should be written so your marketing and sales users can understand how to talk about your company and products in each context.

For example, if you created a custom message type for competitors, you might want to discuss how to frame your product against each competitor. You could simply create a field called How to Position Against and include information like:

“Competitor A is a really good {insert category} tool for {insert specific use case}, while our product is more of a {insert category} for {insert specific use case}.“


Similar to positioning fields, your metadata fields should be written for the benefit of your internal audiences. Things like Persona Name, Priority on a Feature or whether or not a customer is a reference, etc. These generally require the least amount of actual writing, so just be sure to make it clear for your users.

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